What is Energy Healing?
Energy Healing is roughly speaking, a method of feeling better physically or emotionally (or both) based on the idea of taking care of one’s "spiritual hygiene."
There are different approaches through different traditions, but overall, it uses cleansing work, balancing practices and powerful intention that work with the ethereal (spirits, vibrations and subtle energy). Just like yoga and meditation, energy healing isn't new – it’s jut that we’re seeing a return of all things mystical. It seems consumerism can only take us so far and as a society, we’re beginning to crave depth.
(Can I get a YES to that?!)
Reiki is known as one of the main ways to practice energy healing. It’s a holistic, Japanese technique that works as support to the body and all it’s systems. Reiki re-establishes a healthy energy flow throughout working on the body, mind and emotions. It can even tap into past life patterning that’s carried forward into this life.
Dis-ease always begins in our energy field so when we keep our energy body healthy with energy healing techniques, and our physical body healthy with good nutrition and exercise, we're able to remain at our best.
It’s sorta like a deep "meditation delivered with the hand" as Pamela Miles, author of “Reiki: A Comprehensive Guide” puts it, and although more official research is needed (but not really… if you've tried it, you know), studies are beginning to show that Reiki can shift us out of the sympathetic nervous system (fight, flight or freeze) and into the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest).
Mmm… yes please!
It’s important to know that a Reiki practitioner does not use their own energy for the energy healing (thank goodness - that’d be weird wouldn’t it?). They channel Universal energy through their body and out through their hands. They are simply a vehicle by which this energy moves - a river bed for the river the flow, if you will. This does bring out an important point:
In order to be a reputable energy healer, one must be doing their personal work.
What’s personal work you say? They should have a daily practice of things that bring them back to their centre. Practices such as meditation, journaling, exercise and overall care for their own well being that supports health, focus, loving-kindness and empathy.
In the field of energy healing work, this allows ki (life force) to flow through a cleaner, clearer channel (remember, the practitioner is the channel).
When you’re seeking a Reiki practitioner - or an energy healer of any kind - it’s key to check their training background as there’s no agreed upon standards in the energy healing industry. This definitely makes the industry diverse and allows for healers of all kinds to explore techniques that come naturally to them. However, it can also be a bit of a free-for-all.
Do your research on any healer you’re considering; What’s their resume like? How long have they practiced? Do they practice daily? Do they have testimonials? Are they doing their personal work to remain as clear a channel as possible? What personal work are they doing and do you resonate with it? And overall, do you like their vibe?